While wandering the second sale of the morning, I spied a box under the table in the "craft/sewing section." (ALWAYS LOOK UNDER THE TABLE. This is where the really good stuff hides...trust me.) I didn't need to spend much time weeding through to know I had struck gold. I added a few other things to the box and then asked the nice lady if she could give me a price for the whole lot. She looked through my stash and consulted with her coworker. Then she turned back to me, smiled and said, "How's $2.50?" I told her that was more than fair. So are you curious as to what's in that box?! Here's a sampling...

Never underestimate a rummage sale as a source for materials. And you'll probably get a better deal if you collect a box of stuff and ask for a price on the entire lot. Have fun and let me know what treasures you find!
My jaw dropped when I saw your haul. Awesome. I'm envious.
That is INSANE!!!! Merry Christmas, and about 10 birthdays!
Wow! That is an incredible find!! While my wife and I talk about how much "stuff" we already have and that's why we don't do rummage/garage sales...your find is making me rethink this!!
Awesome deal there, June!!!! Have fun working with this amazing material!!!!!!
Smiles, Anke ;)
I have rummage sale envy. I could just see us both at a sale, cause I am always *under* the table too. Wonder what that says about our taste, wink, wink.
wow! what a great score! That inspires me to go look up the street from our grocery store again- they have a sign that says estate sale but I thought it was mostly junk. But now I'll go look with new eyes! Thanks!
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