Friday, April 9, 2010

Things that fly

I love having artists as friends. Not only do they challenge and inspire me, but they're generous and supportive. Did I mention creative, fun and unique? I treasure them all. I was delighted to find this package in my mail from a fellow Art of Can artist. The wax seal is a big clue as to what lurks inside...

The amazingly talented and creative Dale Busta (the guy who has won Red Bull's Art of Can like a zillion times) sent me one of his trademark aluminium can bees.

Dale burns the label off the can and welds the pieces together somehow (I won't even pretend to completely understand his process.) I do know that the craftsmanship and attention to detail is incredible. And if you ever have a project (or want a bee of your own) contact me and I'll put you in touch with Dale. I don't think there's much that Dale can't figure out how to make.

Speaking of things that fly, do you remember these? Our family went out to dinner at a place that creatively served up kid's meals on Frisbees. I'm in shock that my kids had not recently handled or played with this classic toy, but now they're hooked. We're all having a great time rediscovering the Frisbee and loving a restaurant with a worthwhile take home toy.

Thanks again Dale (you rock.) And thanks to the The Rusty Bucket for thinking outside the basket, box, plate or anything else that doesn't fly so well outside.


Emily said...

I love that can bee! So inventive & creative! I love that it is recycled art. And the bee wax seal is awesome too! Aren't you lucky to know such people?

My kids love frisbees. I love that it was a plate before it 'became' a frisbee! Great idea! :o)

Love Emily

Robin Norgren, M.A, R-YT, Spiritual Director said...

I had never heard of Dave Busta-thanks for the introduction through his art.