We spent Thanksgiving visiting family in Pennsylvania.The day after Thanksgiving we went out for our tree. Our tradition is not exact. In the past several years, we've either cut trees at different tree farms or in more hectic years purchased precut trees at the kid's school. Regardless of where the tree comes from, acquiring it is a family deal. This year has got to be my favorite tree acquisition. My Dad planted several trees many years ago on his property with the intent that one day they would be Christmas trees. We were able to bring a nine foot tall evergreen from Pennsylvania to Ohio this weekend. It's special to have a tree this year that shares my roots (pardon the tree pun).
The rings inside the tree are so intriguing. I'm not sure how accurate the tree year per tree ring is, but regardless those rings reveal an interesting message. Each year of our lives is a circle full of experiences built on the past year and so forth that forms who we are today. More rings makes for older, hopefully wiser and definitely more interesting.
My eight year old daughter counts the rings in an attempt to learn more about the seasons this tree has seen. We're thrilled that it will be celebrating this Christmas at home with us. Enjoy your circles.
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of June Pfaff Daley and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of June Pfaff Daley.
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