It's been a long week. The middle child was acting strange last Tuesday. On Wednesday when I woke him for school, I discovered that the sick monster had paid a middle-of-the-night visit. Feverish, pale, lethargic and hoarse led me to think that perhaps I'd have an extra child home with me. To confirm, I presented my 'areyoureallysickorjusttired' test by calmly noting out loud that today was gym day at school. Brendan replied that he was too sick to go. Stay home on a gym day? Check. He passes.
For the first 2 or 3 hours I tried (really I did) to keep the sick child sequestered namely from miss lovey-dovey-two-year-old Nora. That was before I caught her drinking right out of Sick Child's cup and realized that my efforts were fruitless. Nora needs to be right next to her siblings loving them and sharing everything. On sick days, I usually give a reprieve from my tv and Nintendo playing limits. Nora of course wanted to be supportive (above) so she's "playing" with Brendan. Brendan let Nora "play" his Nintendo while Brendan used big sister Cara's. Everyone knows that Nora is hardly trustworthy with a Nintendo so after the photo snap Nora was diverted to more appropriate two-year old activities (swear).
Finally, after 4 long days of a nasty flu bug and ear infection things seem to be looking up. Brendan is planning on going back to school tomorrow. And in case you're wondering Nora was sniffling by Friday. Hopefully the rest of us can stay healthy ....wait...did I just say that??? I'll be knocking on wood, throwing salt over my shoulder and avoiding black cats for the next several weeks. Happy January.