Monday, June 22, 2009

Look out Project Runway

I'm stepping into foreign territory. Another confession of a sewing amateur breaking boundaries...I made something wearable. When these pants came together I wanted to call a friend..."yeah I'm sitting here wearing pants I made...myself. seriously. oh and was that a pig that just flew by my window?"

I picked up this highly recommended book a few months ago. Right there on page 28...lounge pants. I skimmed the directions and even though I noticed alien terms like seam allowance and selvedge, the step-by-step directions made it all seem possible. I loved the fact that these lounge pants were made from recycled sheets, easy enough to score at any thrift store. With only $1 invested in material and another buck or so in elastic there wasn't much to lose.

After tackling the zipper, elastic didn't scare me at all. pleazze. I only had a moment thinking about the amazingness of the invention. You really couldn't have decent lounge pants without elastic.

Admittedly, this project required deep breaths and mental cheering...June you are smart enough to figure out "zigzag stitching a raw edge." I've never made clothing for anyone other than Barbie, so baggage was involved in believing that I could actually do it. Clothing is big. Especially pants. Pants with fancy cuffs at the bottom. Now these most certainly are not perfectly-stitched, one-leg-exactly-matches-the-other lounge pants ...

...but they are perfect enough for this. Another personal milestone. Wonder what I'll sew next.


  1. Yeah for you! Your lounge pants look wonderful--and very comfortable. Thanks for encouraging all of us non-sewers that there is hope for us.

  2. These are way cute. You know I just bought a sewing machine and am itchin' to sew something. I actually have a break (yippee) between shows, so hopefully I can do this very soon. Your results are inspiring for sure.

  3. Yeah you! I got a sewing machine for my birthday and it is still in the box. Maybe I will take it out and TRY SOMETHING!

  4. Great job--they look fab! I've only been sewing baby stuff lately. I think something for me is in order; thanks for the inspiration :).

  5. June I love those pants!!!! I have linked you on my blog!!!! Now I will make some clothing for me...those pants are the best!!!



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xo June