sign specifics: I cut a piece of soft pine (approx. 12" x 8" x 1-1/2" ); pencil transferred the house numbers and freehanded the flower border; dremeled the border to add some dimension; then...
...painted with rich red, green and brown tones to compliment their house. Three layers of heavy duty shellac will protect it from the elements.
I finished just in the nick of time for them to take home when departing this morning. My Dad will be attaching hooks so that this can hang on a lamp post. Now I'm reminded that our house number sign could use a restoration job after hanging outside for 10 years. Added to the list.
It has been awhile since I've stirred up sawdust and worked with wood so it was a fun project. Now I'm eager to get back to other endeavors including finishing up a few soon-to-be published articles. Details in the upcoming months! ; )
well done!