Sunday, March 15, 2009

Miss four finger's pink pony

I can hardly believe that my youngest turns four today. That happened in the blink of a pink pony. Speaking of which, she had a really hard time deciding on a cake this year. First, she wanted last years cake. Then there was a stream of other ideas, finally deciding that the cake should indeed be a pony. I made the pony pink while she napped because everybody knows that a pony is pretty great, but a pink anything is 10 times better.

This is how the pony came together. Nothing too complicated...just a cake baked in a 9" x 13" pan...cut and pieced like so. I used different colors of butter cream icing and a variety of decorating tips to make things a little fancy, but I certainly don't claim professional. Plus a four-year-old only naps for so long.

She practiced her new fingers today. All ready for someone to ask how old she is. Four fingers is much easier to hold up than three...go figure. Happy birthday sweetie. Enjoy your fourth year in which the best things are always pink.


  1. Oh wow! This is an awesome cake...I bet it was delicious! I know what you mean, time flies, my son is almost 5 and my daugther in the summer 2 and also another one on the with 3 kids very soon, time will be even faster!
    Thanks for sharing the cake pattern, smiles, Anke ;)

  2. Hi June. Happy Birthday to your little one. (The cake is adorable!) My boys are 11 & 13, so I understand just how quickly they grow up. Maybe for that reason, I work at a preschool with 3 year olds. They're the sweetest and so much fun. Enjoy!

  3. You are just amazing. So sweet!!1


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