Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The box under the rummage sale table

Over the past weekend, I managed to find time to squeeze in a couple of rummage sales. This is my absolute favorite way to find materials for mixed media paintings and sewing projects. Supplies purchased like this are a mere fraction of the retail price. Besides you can't find trim from the 1940s at your local Michael's.

While wandering the second sale of the morning, I spied a box under the table in the "craft/sewing section." (ALWAYS LOOK UNDER THE TABLE. This is where the really good stuff hides...trust me.) I didn't need to spend much time weeding through to know I had struck gold. I added a few other things to the box and then asked the nice lady if she could give me a price for the whole lot. She looked through my stash and consulted with her coworker. Then she turned back to me, smiled and said, "How's $2.50?" I told her that was more than fair. So are you curious as to what's in that box?! Here's a sampling...

Yards of fabric...

Lace and trims.

Hundreds of buttons...

A rainbow of rick rack, seam binding, bias trim, elastic (most unopened)...

Charming wooden spools of thread, measuring tapes and old sewing notions. The box also contained half yards of colorful fleece (perfect for kid projects), unopened ribbon spools, crochet thread and tulle.

underestimate a rummage sale as a source for materials. And you'll probably get a better deal if you collect a box of stuff and ask for a price on the entire lot. Have fun and let me know what treasures you find!


  1. My jaw dropped when I saw your haul. Awesome. I'm envious.

  2. That is INSANE!!!! Merry Christmas, and about 10 birthdays!

  3. Wow! That is an incredible find!! While my wife and I talk about how much "stuff" we already have and that's why we don't do rummage/garage sales...your find is making me rethink this!!


  4. Awesome deal there, June!!!! Have fun working with this amazing material!!!!!!
    Smiles, Anke ;)

  5. I have rummage sale envy. I could just see us both at a sale, cause I am always *under* the table too. Wonder what that says about our taste, wink, wink.

  6. wow! what a great score! That inspires me to go look up the street from our grocery store again- they have a sign that says estate sale but I thought it was mostly junk. But now I'll go look with new eyes! Thanks!


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Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my blog!

I do try to answer any questions that you might post, so if you ask a question -- check back for answers in the same thread where you posted your comment or I'll e-mail you personally if you have a link.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for stopping by!

xo June