Saturday, March 6, 2010


This weeks topic over at Illustration Friday is Brave. I've had this idea in my head for a couple weeks so that prompt finally encouraged me to get it on canvas. Here's a courageous bird sailing out to sea on the very top of the boat.

The more I thought about 'brave" I came to the realization that putting yourself out there is one thing. However, the true test of bravery is the ability to keep your spirits and your head held high even when those unexplored waters turn rough.

Prints of "Brave bird" are now available for sale in my etsy shop.


  1. Such a true sentiment! I love all the wonderful colors and textures in this piece, it has so much energy and fun!

  2. AWESOME collage work .... love it, the bird is just too cuteeeee

  3. Oooh that's so true. I like the meaning behind this piece a lot. Not to mention it's a wonderful collage. Love your textures and your cute little birdie!

    Thanks also for stopping by and leaving such a lovely comment. :)

  4. So cute! Beautiful textures & color too!

  5. This is beautiful! I love the colours and texture, and the little bird is just adorable :)

  6. June, love your style — very rich and fun and textured and ... did I mention that it's fun?!

  7. Love your work! So glad to have found your blog.

  8. Nothing's going to stop that brave little bird! And he's going to be singing all the way!

    I love this piece! You are so right about bravery!

  9. wow, this is great. I love the textures in your illustration.

  10. the colors and textures are so amazing! I really love this.

  11. Hi
    This is so great! I love all of the bold bright colors! Looks like you enjoy what you do!

  12. Oh, wow! I love every single detail you put into this piece...from the bird, buttons, down to the very last splatter of paint! (^_^)

  13. Your words are so true.....feels lately like you have to be brave on a daily basis to make your way through life. Looking forward to more artwork with this topic, are there more coming?
    Smiles, Anke ;)


Hi there!

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my blog!

I do try to answer any questions that you might post, so if you ask a question -- check back for answers in the same thread where you posted your comment or I'll e-mail you personally if you have a link.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for stopping by!

xo June