Thursday, October 1, 2009

Flattening Humpty... the poor guy hasn't been through enough already. Actually no nursery rhyme violence happened here. It's all good, so keep reading...

You might recall (if you've been hanging out for awhile) my appearance on HGTV's "That's Clever" when I created my 3-D wooden version of Humpty for the cameras (I just noted it will reair on October 28th, 7:30AM e/p. Enjoy with coffee.) That episode was originally taped almost three years ago. Since then, I haven't been doing as much in the way of wooden carved art (or tv appearances, darn) but I do continue to have a soft spot in my heart for Humpty. I wanted to recreate him with my "back together" sentiment, but this time as a 2-D piece with a collage type of treatment.

And here's how the latest Humpty painting turned out. He's all flat (with an attitude) and ready for framing. This Humpty print is available over at my etsy shop along with an original 3-D version (making Humpty for TV involved many, many step outs which produced a very extended family of Dumptys. I've still got one or two of those hanging around.)

See he's happy flattened, even standing tall. So much for those Kings men.

1 comment:

  1. Hi have been on TV before???? Wow! That is a great thing....I probably couldn't say one good sentence infront of a camera. Hope you will get the chance again soon to be in front of one! Fingers crossed! Love you layer-work!
    Smiles, Anke ;)


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xo June