Monday, September 7, 2009

Extra! Extra!

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. Ours went about as fast as the rest of the summer which was pretty fast. Now it's time to look for pumpkins and gourds and to settle into the routine that the school year brings. errrr...excuse me...what did you say?'re wondering about that wooden newspaper carrier?! Well, I'm glad you asked. He holds under his arm my very first e-newsletter which is almost ready to deliver to subscribers.

If you haven't yet signed up look over to the sidebar on the right of my blog>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
see that little box that says "subscribe to my e-newsletter?"

All you need to do is enter your e-mail and you too will receive the "art just for fun" e-newsletter which includes insider tidbits along with valuable coupons for my etsy shop. Plus every once in awhile I'll be having subscriber giveaways. It'll be fun.

I promise you will not be overwhelmed with mail as my goal for e-news is just once every month or two. And so you know, this guy has strict instructions about credit card applications, no silly jokes, no chain letters, etc. Plus you can always unsubscribe. (I'll be a little sad and miss having you, but I'll understand.)

Now I've got to go catch that carrier. He has deliveries to make.


  1. silly me! I did not realize you had a newsletter-looking forward to receving it.

  2. I really liked you wooden man carrying your first e-letter. Well go off to sign up do you do that over blogger. I was wondering how to do this too before but I couldn't find any button or something.
    Smiles, Anke ;)


Hi there!

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my blog!

I do try to answer any questions that you might post, so if you ask a question -- check back for answers in the same thread where you posted your comment or I'll e-mail you personally if you have a link.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for stopping by!

xo June