Monday, August 24, 2009

i love back-to-school?

hmmmm...still undecided over here. While I do appreciate having more time for uninterrupted work, I'll miss the laid back days the summer brings. I think my kids have mixed feelings too. They love seeing their friends and moving up a grade, but at the same time school is a full-time job with work involved. My kids (with the exception of the preschooler) go back tomorrow so we're spending the day making sure we have all of the supplies on the list.

In addition to the first case back here, I finished sewing personalized pencil cases just in time for my other two back-to-schoolers. They got to pick their fabric and I took it from there.

My second grade boy...what more can I say?

In the spirit of back-to-school, I'm including my lunch survey which ran in the December/January edition of Family Fun. You can go to Family Fun to download a copy or since you're here scroll over to the right in my "Printables" section. Click on lunch survey to read about the inspiration and then click on the survey itself to print. Fold this up with a pencil and place in their lunchbox. You'll find out all kinds of tidbits about those first days of the new school year.

Another tradition we've had around here is a back-to-school cake. There's nothing like a cake to sweeten a special day. For this cake, I used the basic plan of the Family Fun School Bus cake. Since we don't have bus service, our method of transportation is minivan carpooling. I adjusted the school bus cake as necessary including the "harried mom driver." I think we're almost ready. I love back-to-school. And repeat.


  1. These are wonderful! I love the lunch box survey. How cool that it was in Family Fun. I'll be linking.

  2. Came over from One Pretty Thing. LOVE the lunchbox survey! That is surely going into my file. Wonderful blog!

  3. Lunch box survey is too cool! I would have loved that as a kid...

  4. Hi! Found you from One Pretty Thing. LOVE that lunch box survey. That's hilarious. I'll have to add a link to this. Can't wait to look around your site:-)

  5. I am doing a charity table setting luncheon and my chosen theme is 'school'. I will have 8 women eating at my table and I am considering using this, depending on the direction I go with my ideas. Would that be okay?
    If you like table settings and/or would like to see my finished table, I will be posting at the end of October. Thanks

  6. The survey is just too cute! What a fun way to hear about your kids day. Maybe an on bus ride home survey would be fun too!


  7. just found your blog! i love the school day survey and the carpool cake:)

  8. I seriously LOVE these lunch box survey''s like pulling teeth to get my daughter to tell me about her day so maybe tying a cute ribbon and colored pencel to these and tucking them in her lunch will inspire her to share more with me...THANK YOU!

  9. came from One Pretty Thing, and love the lunchbox survey idea--thanks!

  10. Love the Lunch box survey ~ used this most of this past school year with my then 1st grader. She LOVES doing the surveys! I LOVE sending her notes in her lunchbox. I think you need to come up with some others just to add some change to it. I would if I was 1/2 as creative.Look forward to your next post.


Hi there!

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my blog!

I do try to answer any questions that you might post, so if you ask a question -- check back for answers in the same thread where you posted your comment or I'll e-mail you personally if you have a link.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for stopping by!

xo June