Monday, August 17, 2009

Chalk it up

Here's a summer project that's been on my list. I've had a quart of chalkboard paint in my studio closet for the longest time. My original intention was to add some chalkboard real estate to the basement/kids area. However, my recent read of Jen's blog about her chalkboard paint tray transformation inspired me to do something similar, but I changed my chalk tray up with a button twist. (disclaimer: please don't worry as the poor children weren't left out of the quart...this tray was in addition to giving them chalk space, but that's another post.)

If you don't have one of these that you're willing to transform, don't fret. Any respectable thrift store will have a few to chose from. I purchased my silver tray at a yard sale for 25 cents. I wanted something simple with an easily embellish-able edge.

First, I primed the entire tray--front and back--with a spray primer (don't skip this makes tray painting so much easier!) Next, I used white spray paint to cover the entire front and then back of the tray. After that was dry, I applied chalkboard paint to the inside of the tray leaving the rim white. I needed two coats to get maximum coverage.

Let's take a moment to talk about my button collection. I've been snatching them up for years at thrift stores and yard sales. Is it possible to have too many buttons?! I was proud of myself for actually using a small part of my button stash for this project. I tend to have some hoarding characteristics when it comes to buttons so this was good therapy.

Back to the tray, starting at the inner edge of the rim (where the black meets white), I attached various sized buttons. It's kinda like a jigsaw puzzle fitting the right size button into the space. I kept my button palette mostly in the white family, but inserted a few chalky colored buttons for interest.

tahDah! I positioned my finished plate on a plate stand (a stand that was an ugly bronze, but a quick coat of black spray paint changed all that) and wrote my welcoming message.

I'll undoubtedly personalize the message for the various family and friends that visit and stay in our guest room over the year. We love our visitors, so I'm very excited to have this extra welcoming touch.


  1. Yea, yea, yea, June!! It's amazing!! I just LOVE the makes it all the better. :)Thanks for letting me know.

  2. Hi June, thanks for sharing this fun project and perfect display for your favorite buttons!
    Smiles, Anke ;)

  3. That is just so darn cute!! Love it.

  4. I love this ! So, I blogged about it onn BUTTON WEDNESDAY:
    Enjoy !
    Kind regards, P8ronella


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Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my blog!

I do try to answer any questions that you might post, so if you ask a question -- check back for answers in the same thread where you posted your comment or I'll e-mail you personally if you have a link.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for stopping by!

xo June