Sunday, May 24, 2009

'tis the season for Inexpensive and Inspirational stockpiling

Things aren't exactly organized by aisle and there are no guarantees that you'll find exactly what you think you are looking for, but the prices and the fun are worth it. Yard sale season has returned in my corner of the world. Actually it has already been around for several weeks, but track season prohibited me from doing anything other than watching my kids gloriously race to the finish line. This weekend brought my first free Saturday. And the sun was shining. I do have a list somewhere in the back of my head of things I'm hoping to score at yard sale prices, but other finds aren't even on my radar. Take the 35 cent grouping above. Not on the radar, but those little pieces have already sparked new ideas for future projects. And if the future projects don't materialize, I'm out 35 cents? Not a big deal (but I know I'll use the bits for something.)

Here's something I'm always in the market for (if the price is right). Not only do I use "pricey" ribbon for gift packages (all presents deserve to look fabulous), but it creeps into my collages and projects consistently. I have ribbon organized by color in my studio closet...just looking at that brings me a feeling that all is right with the world.

Yes peeps that's right. The entire container with practically full (and some never used) ribbon rolls was mine for $10 tOtaL (That $10 included the under-the-bed storage container which alone carries a retail price of $20+.) Did I mention that some of the full ribbon was marked at $14.99 and higher? It is a rare day indeed when I buy ribbon at retail price.

Here's something that was on the list. Storage drawer bins for my out-of-control collage pieces. Buying plastic at the store seems silly when it's hanging around in yards on Saturdays for a fraction of the price.

Pillowcase projects seem to be all the rage these days. I've seen crafters turn them into dresses, skirts, blouses, aprons and more. My problem was that sometimes I thought the end result looked a bit too pillowcasey. When I found these unpillowcase gems...let's just say I had a moment. AND then when the granny of the house came up to me and told me her mother hand smocked and embroidered them??? And she wanted 50 cents each?! I thanked her and promised they were going to a good home (pillowcase projects coming soon...can hardly wait.)

I wasn't looking to buy 12 yards of burlap fabric, but felt the deal was too good to pass up. I don't have burlap in my stash and though I'm not exactly sure what I'll use it for I like the alternative texture=creative sparks.

I didn't photograph less artsy/crafty finds like summer reading (25 cents per book) for kids and adults, a like-new wheelbarrow ($4), a flowery nostalgic vase ($1) and a princess memory game (50 cents). But I came home with those too.

Go out and hit 10 or so sales on a Saturday morn. If you're not already a convert, you will be AmaZeD at the new or likenew supplies being unloaded for projects that never happened (note: I do practice some restraint so that I can actually walk into my studio.) If there's a craft that you might want to give a whirl, yard sales are a great way to pick up materials without the investment. Veterans, what did you find so far this season?


  1. I never considered yard sales as an option for this stuff since I Hoard these things! Thanks for the idea.

  2. Oh yes, love it! I was taking my walk on Wed (a big yard sale day here) and found a set of very nice chairs for our dining room. I had to run home and get the truck :-) The bulk on my studio has been furnished with our neighbor's cast offs.


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