Friday, February 27, 2009


upcycling: the practice of taking something that is disposable and transforming it into something of greater use and value. --wikipedia

One of my very favorite magazines, Cloth Paper Scissors, included my bottle cap charms in their latest issue and newest column. If you're interested in the step-by-step click here for my original post back in October (...and how great are those paint tube peeps by the Oiseaux Sisters on the cover!)

I'm thinking that if there's anything positive about the recession and current environmental concerns, it's the fact that a whole lot of us are taking a closer look at how we can upcycle. It's an exciting process. Actually at this very moment, I have 10 thrifted wool sweaters in a variety of splashy colors and patterns drying in the basement. I bought this book and can't wait to transform them. Stay tuned for felted wool experiments coming soon.

Speaking of trash, check out some vintage beauties that I've acquired via estate sales in the past year. I paid under a dollar for each of these heavy metal cans that I absolutely adore.

I'll have to say it's hard to put trash in something so charming. That's a good thing. Double thinking what's truly trash and what has the potential for an upcycling. February is almost out and that means yard sale season a.k.a opportunity is right around the corner.
Happy Friday!


  1. I got the magazine yesterday and yippee for us :-)
    I love these trash cans btw, just adorable.

  2. Hi June, I found you over the link from Clothes Paper Scissors and really enjoyed checking your blog out, it's so inpiring! Definitely will be back regularly, smiles, Anke ;)

  3. I *knew* your name sounded familiar when you popped up on my Twitter today!! I absolutely LOVED your bottle cap charms in Cloth Paper Scissors and have looked at them many times thinking about making my own! Congratulations on the featured spot... a well-deserved honor! I love the two new sections they've added to CPS and look forward to seeing what else is in store for the magazine. More so, I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your work. You're very inspiring!

  4. Hello June

    Simply fantastic, I love recycling, reusing and loved
    rest of your blog. Congratulations!


Hi there!

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my blog!

I do try to answer any questions that you might post, so if you ask a question -- check back for answers in the same thread where you posted your comment or I'll e-mail you personally if you have a link.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for stopping by!

xo June