Monday, December 8, 2008

The one

Every year, we go through the routine. They all look rather similar, but that never stops us. We have to spend ridiculous amounts of time searching for the one.

Every year, five different perspectives of "perfect tree" wander around the tree farm or in this year's case the tree lot. We take our time debating which tree deserves a shot at being our Christmas tree. The height, prickle factor, branch sturdiness, shape, price (hello recession), bare spots, trunk posture and overall 'look' are all factors that go into this monumental decision. Does it matter that much? After the decorations, don't they all kind of look...well...the same?

maybe. However it just wouldn't be Christmas without the evergreen ritual and getting to finally say, "That's our tree." And if we're all still speaking after the annual outing, even better.


  1. Wow, this is a great post and the illustration has beautiful colors, textures and concept!

  2. Ohhhhh, i love this illo, the colors, the textures...are fantastic!

  3. Love the pattern and colors in your perfect tree!


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