Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A virtual Christmas card from us to you...

open to...

Finally, I got all of the printed versions in the mail yesterday. I still have a few hand delivers that are awaiting a tray of cookies to go with. This card idea came to me after finding yet another vintage Scrabble game (favorite) at a holiday flea market. At home, as I stared at and moved around those gorgeous wooden letters, I saw XMAS. When I discovered that I could fit MERRY XMAS on the wood rack, I completely geeked out and went at it with full force. Using a Photoshop trick or two, I turned our family into scrabble tiles adding a point value to correspond to ages. (okay one age is slightly questionable...I wanted to see who was paying attention ; )

With several design projects happily at the printer, cards mailed and presents wrapped, I've officially put myself on vacation. My hubbie and I purchased a rug pad for my office rug, installed badly needed new blinds and completed little odd ball fixes around the house that have been crying out for attention for many, many months. Projects that give me tremendous JOY now that they are done. Me and my little cooks are planning to heat up the kitchen with cookies and a feast for Thursday. We have family coming into town for Christmas day and several days after so we're looking forward to entertaining and enjoying our time together.

I'm taking some time away from here, but I'll be back after the new year. 'Til then happy, safe and cozy holidays to you along with lots of PEACE, HOPE, LOVE and JOY.

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xo June