Friday, November 7, 2008

IF: Wise

"From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow. "
—Aeschylus or that Greek poet much wiser than I

I love this quote and often remember it when I have an idea that seems small, silly, trite or not much of anything. As I've experienced, many seeds fall by the wayside. But every once in awhile, there are a few seeds that with the right combination of water, sun and timing, take root.

Wisdom is having the courage to throw your seeds to the wind. Happy Friday!


  1. very inspirational, love that quote and your take on it; bravo!

  2. Oh, so true June! if we have the courage to throw our seeds to the wind who knows what we can accomplish. Lovely work!

  3. Spectacular! This is a wonderful take on the theme and such a beautiful piece. Thank you.

  4. Oh, I do love this illo! And the wise sentiments, too.


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Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my blog!

I do try to answer any questions that you might post, so if you ask a question -- check back for answers in the same thread where you posted your comment or I'll e-mail you personally if you have a link.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for stopping by!

xo June