I created this piece for Illustration Friday's topic of the week: routine. I've been thinking a lot about our family's routine lately as we get ready to shift from the laid back days of summer into the regimented school year schedule. Both seasons have their routines which I often catch myself feeling bored with. Sometimes the business of being a parent is less than jump-up-and-down-exciting with meals, laundry, cleaning, disciplining, etc. on the daily list. But there is a wistfulness to routine as the mundane is often what is remembered for a lifetime. Meals that a family repeats turn into cherished recipes years down the road. Gentle reminders to be thankful and use manners pay off in the long run. A familiar bed time routine that includes stories, hugs and prayers can create a sense of warmth and belonging. Day to day routine is something to be cherished. I am often guilty of discounting those little things, but atleast for today I have my eyes wide open as tomorrow starts yet another school year.
This is such a great color scheme for fall and the added text makes it so timely! Good luck in your new school year.
Great stuff!