Saturday, July 5, 2008

sour rain, sweet country

I created this piece for Illustration Friday's topic of the week: sour. It seemed appropriate due to yesterday's rain on our 4th of July celebrations. Picnics and parades were "soured" with thunderstorms and steady rain. Later, the day brought breaks in the weather so we tried to sneak in grilled burgers on the deck. However, I was quickly informed by all three of my children that the not-quite-dry patio furniture made their behinds wet. This quickly led to giggles and back side comparisons.

Regardless of this 4th of July's rain, we are still very thankful for the freedoms we enjoy and the country we love. Obviously, every day will not live up to our ideal, but when the sun does shine it is a beautiful day indeed.


  1. your freedom collage is perfect for the day !! and I agree with Val that the ants are a great addition :)

  2. It's a very strong illustration, I like how you chose to express such a big complicated idea in such a small accurate way. I'm really impressed.

  3. I love this - the ants, the different types of text, the collage feel, and loosely painted look. Nice job

  4. What a beautiful piece of art! :)

  5. This piece is so cool, and really has a lot of great things going on.


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