Monday, November 12, 2007

AOC Opening Night

I'm not sure I can accurately describe this night. To have your work in a show of this caliber is an amazing feeling. The opportunity to see all of the work in this unique atmosphere created especially to showcase each piece to it's fullest was also a pleasure I can't quite describe. The Internet doesn't do it justice. It's impossible to conceptualize the scale or the intricate labor and care that went into the making of so many of these eye-catching pieces. Each work truly had a soul that you could feel when you stood in it's presence. Art of Can is undeniably promotional, but having a show where everyone is working from the same recycled medium highlights the artist's personality and creativity. There were so many pieces that I admired I can't possibly include them all, but here's a few...
Congrats to T.J. Ishikawa for "Vitalized Dragon". T. J. won first place and a trip for 2 to Switzerland. Well-deserved!

"Attack of the Killer Tomato" by John Hergert

"Dive for Red Bull...(It Gives You Fins)" by Asta Razma

3rd place winner "A Casual Toss" by Kathryn Beale

"Toro, Toro!" by Shannon Aguila/Adrienne Gallagher

"Miracle Grow" by Andy Tran
And by the way, I've started saving cans for next year. : )


  1. Hi June! So it was fun?? I'm so jealous. Congrats on your work and promotional mentions. Don't forget about your PIF! :)

  2. Hi June, I'm the artist who created the scuba diver for Red Bull's AOC "Dive for Red Bull...". I was thrilled to see it's photo up on your site. I loved your piece also!! I was at the reception on Wednesday night, I'm sorry that I didn't get to meet you! The whole experience was so amazing. I actually had a billboard (downtown Chicago)and a wallscape (also in the city) made of my sculpture and got to be on WGN Morning News. I'm in AOC about you?
    Asta Razma

  3. Hi Asta!
    Your piece was great...actually my hubbies favorite (besides the chicken of course--I mean he has obligations!) I would have loved to have met a fellow domestic goddess. Congrats on the promo! Are you in for next year? E-mail me some time.
    : ) June


Hi there!

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my blog!

I do try to answer any questions that you might post, so if you ask a question -- check back for answers in the same thread where you posted your comment or I'll e-mail you personally if you have a link.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for stopping by!

xo June