Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I'm Thankful For...

...so many things! With Thanksgiving only two days away I had the idea to make checklist coloring sheet place mats for my inspiring kids. It includes the big things like family and God and the little things too like "my cozy blankie." Maybe while dinner is cooking and they're coloring and checking away it will spark some conversation or at least make them think more about that huge question..."What are you thankful for?"

I'm including it here all big and printable as my Thanksgiving day gift to you. Click on the image and save to your desktop and print from there. Encourage the older kids to make checklists of their own. Then everybody will be ready at dinner time with their cheat sheets when family members start asking that inevitable question. Have fun and have a very happy Thanksgiving if I don't make it back here before then!


  1. Thank you for the Thanksgiving printable! It is just what I was looking for. I printed it for our Girl Scout troop. Thanks!

  2. Hi June,
    I just finished reading your Zipper Tutorial. You are so funny. I have not actually tried to do this yet (still phobic)but I could relate so well with all you said - it made me LOL. I Didn't realize there were others with a box of 'still in the package' zippers bought at a bargain.
    I some how ended up on your site via MyCraftivity & the Lazy Girl emails I receive. Whenever I see the word Zipper - and tutorial next to it- I always check it out - knowing someday I, too, will be able to stand up & say,' Hi. my name is GG and I just sewed in a zipper.'

  3. Oh goodie! Another cute survey:-) I'm loving these. Thanks:-)

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  6. Just saw this in Family Fun! I love it and so glad you included the most important thing to be thankful for...God! We will be using these this year. Thanks for sharing!!

  7. what an adorable idea. I read storytime for preschools and am going to use this with our Thanksgiving themed week. :) Thank you!

  8. Thank you for the I'm thankful for... printable. It is just what I wanted for the kids.

    Happy Thanksgiving 2013

  9. Thanks, will be using this with our children's ministry class. November is all about being thankful.


Hi there!

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my blog!

I do try to answer any questions that you might post, so if you ask a question -- check back for answers in the same thread where you posted your comment or I'll e-mail you personally if you have a link.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for stopping by!

xo June