Thursday, September 27, 2007

The story behind...

This is old news, but since it is the story behind the Red Bull story I have to share it. I think if you click on it it will become bigger and hopefully readable. Apparently many people missed this article that ran in the Cincinnati Enquirer back in March. Not that it was small...we're talking half a page here...see I can't fit it on my scanner! I will say that it ran on a bad day. The first beautiful Saturday of spring. Birds were chirping, leaves were budding, garden stores were bustling and no one (besides me) was reading the Saturday paper.

I share this because this is where my first mention of Red Bull hit the press. Because I named my drugs that day (Sudafed and Red Bull) another opportunity came knocking on my door. Those Red Bull people are everywhere I tell you and one came calling because of this. I became involved with Red Bull's Art of Can and "Rooster for Ransom" was born. I'm still waiting for Sudafed to contact me. Perhaps they were out enjoying that first spring day too.

p.s. More on this tomorrow if I can get blogger to cooperate. We've been fighting all week which I really don't have time for.

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