Thursday, August 16, 2007

Stop and Smell the Flowers

So that's what my little Nora does. And it doesn't matter if all the flowers look the same. She has to stop and smell every single one. This was at my parent's house where the flowers go on forever. I'll admit to growing a tiny bit impatient, but Nora did make me think about how I need to slow down every once in awhile and appreciate the beauty around me.

The other day I thought of this sweet photo (above) and treated myself to fresh cut flowers. I only wish these came from my garden, but instead I have Trader Joe's to thank. Today, I took an hour or so with my morning coffee (before any little feet were up) and painted. It's been a long time since I painted something as simple, yet complex as flowers. This was a good reminder to me that I need to stop and look at nature's color palette, textures and patterns more often. And maybe slow down a bit too!

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